Suggestions or comments, favourable or critical may be made by letter to Mr Chris Osborne
You may choose to be anonymous if you wish.
Do not hesitate to ask if you wish to discuss any matter in private, with either your own dentist or Mr Chris Osborne.
Non-professional staff are neither qualified nor authorised to discuss any matter other than routine transactions.
We operate a practice complaints procedure in accordance with the GDC regulations and welcome any comments or suggestions.
(Administrator: Mr C Osborne)
If you wish to make a complaint as opposed to a suggestion or comment:
- you should write to the above, marked “Private & Confidential”
- an acknowledgement will be sent within two working days
- the matter will be investigated thoroughly
- an interview will be offered if appropriate
- conclusions will be given within ten days
- records of complaints are kept separate from patients records
In the event that you are not satisfied with the result of the investigation and conclusions, please contact one of the following organisations:
General Dental Council
GDC main office address
37 Wimpole Street, London. W1G 8DQ
Phone numbers:
UK local rate 0845 222 4141
From London 020 7887 3800
From abroad +44 20 7887 3800
Dental Complaints Service
UK local rate 020 8253 0800
Care Quality Commission (CQC)
UK local rate 03000 616161